Freitag, 19. September 2008

The Red Elephant

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This little story started at the Strassenfest and is between Michael and Don. The two struck a deal... Don would wear a jock sock if would put on a bikini. Before we drove to Italy, Michael bought this jock sock for Don who refused to put it on at the beach. Since Don didn't put it on, Michael didn't have to put on the bikini.

Don and family left on Monday and on Monday night when Michael went to bed, he found the jock sock under his pillow. I think Don was afraid that, should his stuff be inspected at customs, the jock sock would be found.

So, Don, no need to fret, I will be sending you the Red Elephant via mail. I wonder what I will put on the customs declaration! :)

3 Kommentare:

Silvia hat gesagt…

"kreisch" na den moecht ich sehn der sich diesen Fant umbindet! LOL :):):) Wo sich die Amis eh schon ueber die Speedos der Deutschen kaputt lachen!

utestephan hat gesagt…

Ja aber zurecht manchmal, so mancher deutsche Mann sollte sich das mit der kurzen Badehose überlegen. Was man da im Freibad sehen kann sollte man über ein Gesetzt nachdenken ab 90 kilo bitte lange Badehosen.

Justabeachkat hat gesagt…

It sounds like Don and Michael had fun daring each other. Cute jock sock.

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